
Bazaar Visual Studio Integration

This small batch file simplifies the integration of Bazaar into Micorosoft Visual Studio

It works by adding external Tools in Visual Studio 손에손잡고 mp3. You can use four different commands with this batch file:

  1. Add current file to branch
  2. Update local branch
  3. Commit, Update and Publish branch
  4. Branch log

It works with Visual Studio 2005 or later Download Sioni.

Here’s the readme file:

1. Copy the “bzr_vstools.bat” file to your Bazzar installation folder (C:Program FilesBazaar)

2 첨밀밀 노래. Make sure that folder is set int the Windows “PATH” environment variable.

3. In Visual Studio, goto the external tools manager (Tools->External Tools…)

4 Download windows 10 fonts. Add 4 tools with the following parameters (sftp://domain.tld/yourproject/ is the url to your project on the server)


Title:                “&Add current file to branch”

Command:            “bzr.exe”

Arguments:            “add $(ItemPath)”

Initial directory:    “$(ProjectDir)”

Use output window:    yes


Title:                “&Update local branch”

Command:            “bzr_vstools.bat”

Arguments:            merge sftp://domain.tld/yourproject/ $(SolutionFileName)

Initial directory:    “$(ProjectDir)”

Use output window:    no

Close on exit:        no


Title:                “Commit, Update and &Publish branch”

Command:            “bzr_vstools.bat”

Arguments:            “cmp sftp://domain.tld/yourproject/ $(SolutionFileName)”

Initial directory:    “$(ProjectDir)”

Use output window:    no

Close on exit:        no


Title:                “Branch &log”

Command:            “bzr.exe”

Arguments:            “log”

Initial directory:    “$(ProjectDir)”

Use output window:    yes

5 cppcheck. That’s it, now you can use the tools to merge and commit your project and add files easily.

Additional info:

Creating External Tools:


How to define Shortcut Keys to external tools:


Bazaar User Guide:


Copyright (c) 2008 by Fabian Schlieper


Bazzar VisualStudio Tools
Bazzar VisualStudio Tools
Version: 0.1
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