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The webOS-App Seismograph uses the device’s built-in accelerometer to record movement impacts in three axes. You can select the axis whose data is drawn on the rolling scale and set the number of displayed records Download Eclipse Android Source.
Additionally you can change the amplitude (sensitivity) and enabled a high-pass filter to filter sensor noise.

Beside analysing earthquakes you can test the damper of you car with this app mssql 2005 다운로드.


Version 0.2.1:

Version 0.2.0:

  • small Bugfixes
  • Recording function added to record and play data

Version 0.1.1:

  • Axis labels for time- and g-axis
  • Maximum shake magnitude can be displayed on the screen

Seismograph is available in the App Catalogue in all countries 한글 책.
Compatible with Palm Pre and Palm Pixi.




apr-1.5.2.tar.gz 다운로드
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