

KeyCommander is an application to create command chains assigned to a certian keyboard or mouse button. The idea is based on the functionality of AutoClicker 233 core english conversation patterns.

A command, called Action, cansimulate a mouse click, keyboard hit or execute another Windows program Ahn Cheol-so free vaccine. All actions assigned to the same Event are executed consecutively as long as the Event is active, i.e. a certain key is pressed or have been pressed keyshot 다운로드.

With this functionality you can create different procedures, for example a simple auto clicker, shutdown the computer with a single key press or open a website 방가 방가 다운로드. In addition the mouse cursor can be moved.

You can save your created programs amd load them later.

Feature overview:

  • Actions can be eecuted up to 200 times per second
  • create complex programs
  • Multi threading to execute multiple Events at the same time
  • automatic Updates
  • extensible for developers with DLLs, that can be written in C#

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment 국제전화 무료 다운로드.

For those who just need an AutoClicker: Speed AutoClicker is much easier to handle and faster.



Version 1.3:

  • Copy & Paste Actions
  • Drag & Drop Actions to a different Event
  • Multiple Actions can be moved at the same time
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