Speed AutoClicker – extreme fast Auto Clicker
Speed AutoClicker is an extreme fast auto clicker that can click more than 50000 times per second.
It allows you to set an activation key to switch automatic clicking 시그널 음악. There are two activation modes:
- “hold”: Speed AutoClicker will repeat clicking as long as the activation key is pressed
- “toggle”: First key press will activate automatic clicking until the activation key is pressed again

Moreover you can select the clicked mouse button: left, right or middle button (Scroll wheel) can be clicked to extreme, physically impossible, click rates Download visual studio community 2013.
You can adjust the click frequency to fit your needs, but be careful with the “Unlimited” option: Tons of clicks can make applications and games unstable and they can even crash Download Windows Notepad. Click rates below 500 clicks per second should be safe.
You can measure the real click rates with ClickCounter Teen movie.
Speed AutoClicker does not require any setup or installation. Just download and extract it on your desktop. Note that it requires .NET Framework, which is included in Windows 7 usb 3.0 드라이버 다운로드. XP users might have to download it.
New in Version 1.3:
- random click rates (bypasses the auto clicker protection of some games)
- Click duty cycle
- now even faster when click rate is set to unlimited
- I get the error message “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135) Download hexdump. Click on OK to terminate the application.”
- Solution: Install .NET Framework 3.5, click here to download, and .NET 4.5
Leider scheint der Clicker in der Version 79 von Chrome nicht mehr zu funktionieren. Auch der Hotkey zum ein- und ausschalten kommt nicht im SpeedAutoClicker an. Vielleciht hat Google was verändert?
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i need it cause i`m weak in a roblox game
u play roblox too!?!?
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i knw i clicked english its still german
leider funktioniert er seit einigen Monaten garnicht mehr. Hat jemand eine Idee? – Benutze schon immer Windows 10 mit dem Bot.
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Awsome i really need a Fast Auto Clicker
Your a noob because your trash like hell
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Leider funktioniert der Klicker nicht einwandfrei.
Könnten Sie ihn bitte wieder beheben?
Solange verwende ich lieber https://speedautoclicker.net/
Thank you! this was such a good replacement.
Thanks to https://speedautoclicker.net/ and you ButcherKasaller for pointing it out to me.
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