
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


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  • Hallvard sagt:

    „Sommer C. sagt: 28. Juni 2010 um 18:51:

    Thank you for the great plugin! The issue I am having with it, however, is when you go in to edit the file, it seems that the thumbnail is getting erased when uploading a new file (not touching the thumbnail settings at all). Any way to resolve this?
    Also, when I do a synchronize with the server after uploading a bunch of files via FTP, it also uploads all of the thumbnails as files. If I delete the thumbnails from the filebase, they get deleted from the server and than I have to manually re-add them to the files.“

    Is there going to be a fix for this?
    Great plugin btw!

  • Andy sagt:

    will wp-filebase be included in the wordpress search function? as of now, files do not show up the search results…

  • Jure sagt:

    Can you make a files per page option,because i have 1700 pps files and i would like to show 50 files per page and not all at once.

  • Fizzgigg sagt:

    Any news/updates about the WP3 version of WP-filebase?

  • Francesco sagt:

    Hi Fabian
    well.. first of all congratulation for your great plugin. I think it’s the best file download plugin ever seen for wordpress!
    I’m trying to use it in a Red Cross website, but I got an issue, using PHP5, wp 3.0.1 and latest version of your plugin
    admin side is ok, but when I try to attac a file, or a category list to any page, I push the little icon, a popup shows up with files/categories choice.. but when i choose to insert the file… nothing happens. Popup closes but nothing is inserted in the arcticle.
    no error shown in page.
    many thanks for your help
    best regards,

  • The new update has a counter bug. All the counters are stuck and not working. Can you tell me a fix for this please?

  • Francesco sagt:

    how to include counter in custom themes ?
    how to show download statistics, or show last uploaded file in a widget ?


  • Fizzgigg sagt:

    I guess there still are no news about an update that makes this plugin work with WP 3.0.1? Sad.

  • Fabi sagt:

    Busy with other things atm. Are you using IE? If yes, try using Firefox. This issue is known and happens only on some blogs. I’m working on an update, that should fix this.

  • Really appreciate it man…

    Go into widgets and add the filebase widget to your sidebar.. simple 🙂

  • Mike sagt:

    Great Plug-in.

    Is there a way to limit the number of download files displayed on a page? I’m going to have hundreds of files and it would be nice to only show maybe 20 at a time with a link at the bottom.

    I too am having problems with the counter not keeping track of the number of downloads with WP 3.0.1

  • Yes, the counter was working in the older version with wp 3.0.1 but the updated one isnt.

    You can add whatever number of links you want in your post.

  • Mike sagt:

    @Saqib Mansoor

    Thanks for your reply. However, I don’t think I was clear. Let’s say I have 100 downloadable files. I want to display the first 20. Then at the bottom of the screen it say or or whatever. Then on the second page it would say . These would be links to the previous and next 20 files.

    That way visitors won’t have to scroll through 100 (or maybe hundreds) of files on one page.


  • well you want to display 20 links per post on your site. You can try creating categories. 1 category for each 20 links.

  • […] WP-Filebase – This plugin allows us to offer downloadable files. We can insert them into posts now. The first post we used this on was our work on Saskatchewan Energy Future. […]

  • belg4mit sagt:

    Very handy plug-in for restricting attachment downloads to authenticated users;
    although the distinction between redirect to login form, category „For members only“
    and file „For members only“ is unclear.

    One minor nit though, the post browser for attaching files on the upload page does
    not list private posts… which adds a few extra steps for those wishing to use this
    nifty module to protect files.


  • Robert sagt:

    Thanks and congrats, great plugin!
    I’m using it mainly because I want to limit download speeds for each users and it’s working really fine.
    There are two things I’d really want to be there though:

    1. link to file to download, instead of having to upload through WP, as WP limits uploaded file size to a maximum of 16MB.

    2. adjustable timeout for downloads, as it’s limited to 60 secs now (or is it only my WP?)

    Anyway, thank you so much.

  • Hello,
    I have used wp-filebase and it works fine. The only problem is that the screen in tools-> wp-filebase does not appear. I have tried reinstalling. disabling all plugins, and only activat the wp-filebase plugin, but the screen does not appear.

    The screen in settings->wp-filebase does work.

  • DeespoT sagt:

    Hello there! I have a problem with your plugin or with WordPress, I don’t koow jet. The symptom is, when I upload a file (.rar file) and a registered user downloads it, the content of the file is become corrupt. The winrar cannot extract the downloaded file. Compare both files are shown differences, the source file doesn’t show resemble to the original one. What do you think, what is the problem?
    PHP5.3.3 —
    Wordpress 3.0.1 MU

    Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 204 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 219 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 226 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 233 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 258 Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /chroot/home/kreativk/kreativklub.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 27 ?

  • Martina sagt:

    Hallo, wie werde ich das „GO BACK“ auf jeder Seite ganz oben los? Das stört mich optisch wirklich sehr. Welche Zeile in welcher Datei? Danke!!
    Bei mir geht dein Plugin übrigens auch in WordPress 3.0.1 ohne Probleme (glaube ich zumindest).

  • Edit sagt:

    Hallo Fabian,

    habe gerade deinen Download-Manager getestet und finde ihn sehr gut. Es gibt leider keinen Download-Manager für WordPress, der in allen Bereichen gut ist. Immer fehlt irgend etwas oder die Entwicklung ist eingestellt (wie z.B. beim Downloads Manager von Giulio Ganci).

    Dein Download-Manager gehört wirklich zu den besseren. Deshalb meine Frage: Wirst du ihn noch weiterentwickeln oder auch die Arbeit daran einstellen? Wie sind deine Planungen dazu? Kann man Wünsche äußern?

    Herzliche Grüße

  • José Correa sagt:

    Hi, can you tell me how to add more file size of 16 mib to a higher value.

  • Manu Hendry sagt:

    amazing plug-in! however, downloads don’t work on my wp 3.0.1 blog – they just result in files of the right name but with a very wrong files size (200 bytes of garbage).

    is there a compatibility problem with 3.0.1? if so: are you planning to update your plug-in for 3.0.1?
    keep up the great work pleeease! 😉

  • Efthyvoulos sagt:

    Hallo Fabian,

    Your plug-in seems very promising and useful, however it does not seem to work under wordpress 3.0.1. and
    PHP Version 5.3.1 . When I go to tools –> WP-Filebase nothing appears on the screen.
    When I go to edit a page and I click on the WP-Filebase icon nothing works either. It would be nice if you fix it; as I said before I has some great and very unique features.

    Thank you

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