
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


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  • Luc sagt:

    Hello Fabi,

    Thanks for this plugin. What i’m looking for is adjusting the width of the grey-download screen. Adjusting the template in thje admin area doesn’t work and I couldn’t find the right lines in the php files. Can you make the width of the table adjustable or tell me how I can do this by changing the code?

    Thanks, Luc

  • Fabi sagt:

    Luc, just edit the stylesheet wp-filebase.css in the plugin root dir:
    At line 12 inside the CSS class .wpfilebase-attachment you find the width declaration:
    width: 400px;

  • Luc sagt:

    Thanx, that’s just what I needed (I changed the details text width too). Maybe in a future version you can make thes values adjustable in the admin area (now I have to adjust it with every update of the plugin). I’m very grateful for your work, keep it up.


  • Ellen sagt:


    This plugin would be fantastic, but there’s one thing.

    I want to use this plugin for PDF-files. I want to show them on the website, so people can download them. There is nothing wrong with that part! But the problem is, i’ve got many PDF-files (over 180). So I tried to add them with FTP in a folder on my server and then use filebase sync to add all files in wordpress. But everytime i did, the plugin told me there was nothing changed. What do I have to do to make this work?
    my wordpress version is 1,8,4 in dutch, my php version I do not know for shure. What I do know, is that I never found any problems with it, I could do anything I want with PHP.

    Can you help me?

  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    I think this is exactly what I have been looking for. Thanks so much! Two questions:

    1) When I change the settings so that „Show attached files“ is unchecked and save, it immediately checks the box again. I do not want files to show at the bottom of a post, what can I do?

    2)I must be missing something simple. I want to have the directory of files, with summaries, viewable and searchable on my site. How do I do that?



  • Andrew sagt:


    It looks great. I’m trying Version:

    I can upload a file. But I get a 404 in when using the editor. This happens with two separate installations. Any suggestions where I should start looking?



  • Thanks ever so much for this just what I have been looking for. With all these useful plugins my WordPress is going to be rammed lol

  • Fabi sagt:
    * Added FTP upload support (use `Sync Filebase` to add uploaded files)
    * Code optimizations for less server load
    * File requirements can include URLs now
    * Fixed options checkbox bug
    * Fixed an issue with the editor button
    * Fixed form URL query issue
    * Some fixes for Windows platform support

    The sync function adds files uploaded with FTP now.

    1) The checkbox issue is fixed in the new version, thanks for reporting
    2) Search boxes for file lists are not supported yet, todo.

    @Andrew If you want to report a bug or have any problems with this Plugin please post your WordPress and PHP Version!
    You should try the new Version If this doesn’t work try to figure out the URL of the 404 Error by right-clicking the box -> Current Frame -> Frame info

  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    Thanks Fabi,

    I think that I am still missing something. There’s a way that all uploaded files can be displayed on a single page, right? How do I do that?

    Thanks for this work!


  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    Seems to be a problem with the latest release, Fabi. I can access files I have uploaded, but can no longer upload new files.


  • Fabi sagt:

    If you want to report a bug or have any problems with this Plugin please post your WordPress and PHP Version!

    Any error messages?

  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    No error messages. But when I try to upload, I just get a list of what has been uploaded, no ability to upload anything new.

    WP 2.8.5
    PHP 5.x

  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    And just to be clear here, I get the same response when I click on your icon in posts or pages — a box comes up which across the top gives options of single file, file URL, and File list. At the bottom are links for cancel or insert. when I click on single file, a list comes up of the files I’ve uploaded, Nothing comes up on File URL, File list gives a list of cateories I don’t know how to use. No option to upload in any of the three cases.

    Also, still have the question about how to make all resources show up on a Page that I can have as a Resources page for the site.


  • i already uploaded files but when i click the filebase button on the post and page i only got a window for filebase but nothing inside. what should i do?

  • Fabi sagt:

    I wonder how many times I have to post the following phrase:
    If you want to report a bug or have any problems with this Plugin please post your WordPress and PHP Version!

    Can you post a screenshot please?

    Once again 😉
    If you want to report a bug or have any problems with this Plugin please post your WordPress and PHP Version!

    New Version
    * Download charset HTTP header fixed
    * Editor file list fixed
    * New file list option `Uncategorized Files`

  • MarkS sagt:

    Great plugin. Thanks!

    I’m finding an upload file size limit of 2MB. Message is „No file was uploaded.“

    Is there supposed to be a 2MB limit? Where can I edit this? My wmpu site is set to allow uploads up to 30MB.

  • MarkS sagt:

    For above 2MB limit comment. WPMU 2.8.4, PHP 5.2.6

    • Fabi sagt:

      @markS The max upload size is set in th php.ini. If you’re on a webspace contact your hosting provider. Or, much easier, use FTP and the sync button.

      Bob, try using Ftp and the sync button. Also try to upload a file with wordpress buildin media upload. And execute the chmod 777 ftp command again. Reas plugin FAQ and installation notes.

  • Bob Stilger sagt:

    Thanks for your patience, Fabi. Still using WP 2.8.5 and PHP 5.x.

    Can you tell me how to insert a screen shot. Can’t figure that out. Installed update, still unable to upload any files. I simply get a list of what is there already. Also, still don’t understand how to display all resources on single page. Sorry for being pesty and thanks!

  • Scott sagt:

    Is there a way to turn off the download counter feature?

    Great plugin– being able to turn off features would be very helpful, thanks for responding.

  • Scott sagt:

    Figured out how to not display file download numbers…

    change the visibility in the style sheet.

    — can i keep the override without babysitting the plugin after an upgrade?


  • Fabi sagt:

    You can edit the template in WP-Filebase settings to remove features. Just delete the code or comment it out with <!-– html comment tags –->.

  • Fabi sagt:

    * Added CSS Editor
    * Added max upload size display
    * Fixed settings error `Missing argument 1 for WPFilebaseItem::WPFilebaseItem()`
    * Fixed widget control
    * Fixed an issue with browser caching and hotlink protection

  • eliZZZa sagt:

    Hallo Fabian,
    großartiges Plugin! Ich habe ein kleine Problem damit – ich kann keine Kategorien anlegen. Wenn ich den Button „Manage Categories“ anklicke, passiert – nichts.
    Ich arbeite mit WP 2.8.5 und PHP5. Mache ich was falsch?

    Herzliche Grüße aus Wien,

  • eliZZZa sagt:

    Oopsy Daisy – habe im nächsten Moment entdeckt, dass ich zum Kategorien Dialog gelange, wenn ich im Texteditor auf das Filebase-Icon klicke und im folgenden Fenster auf „Create Category“ klicke.
    Dann lande ich auf der „Manage Categories“ Seite. Damit kann ich leben!


  • eliZZZa sagt:

    Ist allerdings nur EINMAL gelungen, so lange noch keine Kategorien angelegt waren… >;o/

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