
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


This page is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Anja Skrba from Webhostinggeeks.com/wordpresshosting Download Sniper Assassin.

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  • Ray sagt:

    Oh and by the way great product, thanks for your hard work.


  • bb69 sagt:

    great plugin, just one problem:
    when I want to use a thumbnail for a file the thumbnail is added to the category and listed in the file view again, and not just in the download I want the thumbnail to appear.

  • cyber sagt:

    Believe or not, disable permanent link option also will happen download have no right for registered user..
    I’ve been headache awhile but this problem is happen sometimes some user or some files.
    problem such as:
    1. user login can download some files but some files have no right only registered but he is registered and login.
    2. user login cannot download with no registered user right, happen to my friend. i try on other pc with his login and id. i can download. try on his pc again i can’t download. i directly change permanent link to be ON. and i try on his pc again. He can download again.
    3. Happen to net user(registered and login), he can’t download with permanent link option ON, i turn OFF, he directly can download.

    I just give example what is really happening in my site. and i have no clue what the problem is but i confirm it was not problem with permanant link ON or OFF.
    I can also confirm this happening have nothing to do with new account because my friend is downloading and using my site for awhile already.
    Sorry for headache.

  • sawara sagt:

    Hi, thanks for this great plugin, i would like to know is it possible to show a list of the category in the widget like a menu when we click on it go to the category ?

    PS: maybe you can make a forum support for your plugins this will be great.

  • Yurr sagt:

    Hi Fabi!
    I found what page doesn’t pass W3C validation if there is attachment which use wp-filebase default template. Fabi can you fix it? I I could only fix simple file template.

  • itai sagt:

    does anyone else have a problem with the wp-filebase Widget?
    whenever I save it, it clears everything.

  • Martina sagt:

    Ich versuch gerade mal die Trailer in eine anständige Reihenfolge zu bringen. Dafür habe ich jetzt mal das Release-Date als Datum eingesetzt. Das Ganze hat nur einen winzigen Haken, wenn ich irgendwas im Nachhinein dann an der Datei änder (weil ich z.B. eine Beschreibung ändern will oder ähnliches), springt daß Datum auf das ursprüngliche Datum zurück (ist überall wohl der 24. November 2009) und alles ist wieder durcheinander. Da stimmt wohl irgendwas noch nicht.

    Aber nun erstmal: schöne Rest-Feiertage (hoffentlich) und einen guten Rutsch!!!

    lg, Martina.

  • Denis L sagt:

    Thanks for your very good job.
    Happy Christmas from the south of France
    Just a question.
    I have some subcategories with many files.
    Is it possible to attach a category instead of a list of file to one post ? Because the list is too big.
    Thanks for answering and happy new year.

  • George sagt:

    Is there any way to include Files’s description in search results of wordpress?

  • Brakk sagt:

    Hello. I tried installing this plugin on a new installation of wordpress and I only get a blank screen in the tools->wp-filebase page. I tried it first on wordpress 2.9 then deleted and did a fresh install of 2.8.6 and get the same error.


  • newn sagt:

    Hi, i’v tried to install this plugin on a fresh 2.9.0 wordpress. When i try to get into tools section of this plugin (to add downloads), i’m getting an error, that page cannot be loaded.

  • Hi,

    At first I would like to thank you a lot for great plugin it completely perfect for my needs. Any way I want to ask you about a tiny request. Is there any ability for making wp-filebase multi-language enabled?

    Currently I’m working on using it in my blog which is in Arabic, so I’ll send you soon a new CSS file works for RTL direction languages

  • Maaster sagt:

    Hi Fibi,

    tolles Plugin, aber kann es sein, dass es Probleme mit „(“ und „)“ Zeichen im Dateinamen der Downloads gibt? Der Link scheint zwar immer korrekt bei mir, allerdings startet der Download bei Dateien mit Klammern im Namen nicht, die URL oben im Browser stimmt dann zwar immer, allerdings fehlen die Klammern und demnach findet er den Download nicht.

    Was kann man da machen? Oder woran kann das liegen?

    WordPress 2.9
    Permalinks: aktiviert (falls die Info hilft)

  • fafo sagt:

    Great plugin, this is exactly what I needed!
    I have donated something to support your work. Looking forward to new updates with new features.

  • trey sagt:

    First many thanks Great Plugin.
    I upgraded to wp_filebase0.1.2.4 and am using wp vers 2.8.4
    Now I can not sync files I have uploaded.
    When I press sync it sends me to a go back button and there are no new files found.
    Thanks Again,

  • Fabi sagt:

    fafo, thank you for your dontation, really appreciating it. You are the first one btw 😉

    I am working on a big update of WP-Filebase. I want to fix all issues with blank pages and missing the editor button, but since a dont have a test system where this trouble happens, I need someone who provides their wordpress site for debugging. Ideally it should not be live site. Anyone who want to supply his site, please write an e-mail to me (see https://fabi.me/en/impressum/ ). Thank you!

  • Nathan Fink sagt:


    I love the plugin, but it seems that it loads CSS and JS into wp_head() on every page even if I am not using WP-Filebase on that page. I was wondering if you could do something like what is mentioned in the link above? I’ve also seen another plugin offer a setting to specify ‚include‘ or ‚exclude‘ page IDs as another option in Settings.

    Thanks again for your efforts!

    BTW, if you still need a site to debug the new version on, I have one that you can use. Just email me.


  • Nowton sagt:

    Thanks for this plugin. A local installation provides me w/ a btn in MCE, but a remote installation does not. What gives?

  • alfa sagt:

    Just updated to new version. RSS feeds now have links to files! Great work!

  • Fabi sagt:

    New Version
    * Added option Parse template tags in RSS feeds
    * New Widget: Category list
    * Settings are organized in tabs now
    * Conditional loading of WP-Filebase’s JS
    * Automatic login redirect
    * Validated template output (Note: line breaks are not converted to HTML anymore, so please add
    <br />’s or reset your settings to load the default template)
    * Added localization support
    * German translation
    * Editor Button code changes
    * Changed default file permissions from 777 to 666
    * Fixed file date bug causing a reset of the date

    @Nowton: please try it with the and report if it’s working.

  • oe5nip sagt:


    Super Software mir ist seit dem Update nur etwas aufgefallen, BEIM IE-8 wenn ich einen link von der FILEBASE aufnehmen möchte bleibt der link im Browserfenster ganz oben stehen und ist dort zu sehen läßt sich aber nicht einbinden, ist mir bei den SEITEN aufgefallen.

    WordPress 2.9.1. MY-SQL 5

  • Hernan sagt:

    It doesn’t work for me…

    I have created the folder under /wp-content/uploads/ and set the permissions 777. But I still receive the message:

    The upload directory /filebase does not exists. It could not be created automatically because the directory / is not writable. Please create /filebase and make it writable for the webserver by executing the following FTP command: CHMOD 777 /filebase

    And if I try to upload a file I see:

    Unable to create directory /filebase/nameofthefile.pdf. Is it’s parent directory writable?

    But the folder is already created.

    Thanks for the effort!

  • Fabi sagt:

    Don’t use leading slashes. On Linux system they will root the path.
    Just reset your WP-Filebase settings. This will set the upload path to wp-content/uploads/filebase, which should work fine for you if wp-content/uploads is writable. (The upload path is realtive to the wordpress root path, not to wp-content or wp-content/uploads)

  • LowClassCC sagt:

    i was just notified that my downloads section was not working. i know it was working before the last update. here is what it is doing.

    my main downloads page at http://lowclasscc.net/downloads no longer displays the category list. now i know what the categories were so i type the link to one in and the page shows up but it is blank just like the main downloads page. here is an example. http://lowclasscc.net/downloads/Bolink

    i have tried both firefox and internet explorer just to make sure it wasn’t a browser issue. i get the same results in both browsers.

    i am using wp-filebase
    wordpress 2.9.1
    php 5

    thanks for the help!

  • TIMIT sagt:

    Hallo Fabi

    Es wäre super, wenn man nicht nur eine Rolle, sondern einen User angeben könnte. So könnte man Downloads userspezifisch bereitstellen.

    Denkst du, das wäre etwas das du in einer zukünftigen Version implementieren könntest? Wenn ja, wann könnte man mit dieser Version rechnen?

    Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.


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