
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


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  • svsw sagt:

    Hi, Fabi!
    I downloaded Filebase, create folder wp-content\uploads\filebase and activate plugin
    I try to test your plugin on clean WP installation, theme Default
    Settings Page ok! Tools Page is blank 🙁
    What can I do? Please help me!

    WP 2.9.2
    Apache 2.2.15
    MySQL 5.1.45-community
    PHP 5.3.2
    ZendOptimizer 3.3.3
    MS Windows Server 2003 R2

  • behrouz sagt:

    hi fabi
    filebase in tools page is just gray page
    please send me answer
    please please help me

  • Gar sagt:

    Using WP-filebase with WordPress 2.9.2 to download MP3 and M4A files. It is an excellent plugin. The files download but the tag information and coverart seems to be stripped out. This causes the M4A not to play and the mp3 plays only on some systems. The downloaded file size is correct, and if I have verified that the file on the server has all the information. Do you know why the download is removing this information from the mp3’s and m4a’s?


  • Mark sagt:

    The tools page is also blank for me, running the latest stable version of WordPress.

  • Chris sagt:

    Great plugin, thank you! One little feature I’d like to suggest is the possibility to add a custom header to attached files, for example „Attached Files“. This would fit very well under Settings > Display.

  • clifflu sagt:

    Great plugin, but I got the same BLANK on my server after clicking the INSERT button of the pop-up dialog.
    It turns out the newly (PHP 5.3.2) deprecated directive ‚magic_quotes_gpc‘ is responsible.
    Re-enabling it via .htaccess / php.ini is a quick work-through, and make sure the ‚display_errors‘ is set to off.

    However, using addslashes() would be a better solution.

  • Hi,

    I am importing a large number of PDfs into Filebase. I need to call these files from another plugin using the shortcode.

    Is there a paradigm for determining the file number which I can use to systematically create the correct shortcode for each file?


  • LowClassCC sagt:


    I want to start by saying that this plugin is one of the best i have used. now over time my download section has grown to over 2800 files in 106 categories. this many categories on one page takes forever to load on dialup and that is if i refresh the page 3 or 4 times.

    i was wondering if there would be a way to limit the number of categories and files per page to x amount. some of my categories have over 200 files each.

    i would love to see a user adjustable limit on the amount of files and categories that are displayed on each page with the addition of a next button at the bottom the the page to be able to see the next page worth of categories / files.

    thanks 🙂

  • […] detail at author’s website. 1.1. To manage the messenger – PDF file WP-Filebase […]

  • Hallvard sagt:


    Great plugin. Really saves a lot of time and work.
    One thing though: When you search (using the built-in wordpress search widget) for a filename or a word/phrase from the description the search result is empty. It would be great for the reader to be able to search for a file instead of browsing after it.


  • Carol sagt:

    Hi, Great plugin.But he search for wordpress does not work with this plugin.

  • SteveP sagt:

    Is there something odd about filebase that prevents it from working when called from inside a template with the do_shortcode() function?

    I am trying to put this into a template, and supposedly this would work:

    But all it does is echo the shortcode definition instead of putting in the file listing.

  • SteveP sagt:

    Sorry, the last post ate the code. This is what I am trying to do in PHP in the template file:

    echo do_shortcode(‚[filebase:filelist:cat=1:tpl=simple]‘);

  • Hallo Fabian, nachdem ich das Plugin installiert hatte, musste ich mit Schrecken feststellen, das ein Upload der Dateien zwingend nötig ist. Ich möchte jedoch meine Dateien über meine Dropbox mit URL-Angabe zur Verfügung stellen. Ist da in Zukunft was geplant?

    Danke im voraus. Gruss aus Berlin von Andreas.

  • Sommer C. sagt:

    Thank you for the great plugin! The issue I am having with it, however, is when you go in to edit the file, it seems that the thumbnail is getting erased when uploading a new file (not touching the thumbnail settings at all). Any way to resolve this?

    Also, when I do a synchronize with the server after uploading a bunch of files via FTP, it also uploads all of the thumbnails as files. If I delete the thumbnails from the filebase, they get deleted from the server and than I have to manually re-add them to the files.

  • Sasha sagt:

    I love this plugin, but I think it doesn’t work with wordpress version 3.0. I got the following error:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/allykatd/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/wp-filebase_file.php on line 247

    Is there something that can be changed in the php file to fix this?

    Thank you

  • pidou sagt:

    Ich schreibe, um ein Problem mit WP Filebase seit dem Update von WordPress auf Version 3.0, wenn ich das Bild Bericht senden, sendet der Server mir die folgende Fehlermeldung:Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /homez.316/portableg/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/wp-filebase_file.php on line 247
    Nochmals vielen Dank für diese Bemerkung Werkzeug.

  • SteveP sagt:

    Is there any way to allow non-admin users to access the Tools/Wp-Filebase panel? I am not familiar with how WordPress manages access permissions for this, and looking through the code hasn’t revealed anything to me yet. 🙁

  • Ray Lucchesi sagt:

    I also am seeing some problems with WP 3.0 and this plugin.
    1) all my hit counters have gone to 0
    2) all my last download dates have gone to –

    But luckily it still handles downloads. Haven’t tried uploads yet.

  • Andrea sagt:

    Great plugin!

    Since is possible to automatically create thumbnails from a PDF file (e.g. http://www.redvodkajelly.com/blog/2008/04/15/how-to-create-pdf-preview-images-in-php-part-2/), can we expect to have this feature soon?

  • Fizzgigg sagt:

    Does anyone know if there will be WordPress 3.0-version of this plugin? Some say this version work with 3.0, but it would be nice with a version that has been tested and if necessary updated for WP3.0.

  • Fabi sagt:

    Testing for WP 3.0 is in progress. This Blog is now on 3.0 with WP-Filebase running fine.
    I didn’t experience this hit counter issue. Will explore this.

  • klopp sagt:

    More things about WP 3.0.1:

    1) Can not add thumbnail to existing file (Tools->WP Filebase->Manage Files->Edit file, error: „Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in […]/wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/wp-filebase_file.php on line 247“)

    2) Permalinks fails 🙁 Storage linked to page „/files“. If permalinks ON, link to „library“ section in root is: „/fileslibrary“ (404). Manually „/files/library“ in location bar – OK.

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