
WP-Filebase – File Download Manager for WordPress

Halsion Lunch

WP-Filebase is a powerful download manager supporting file categories, thumbnails and more.

Uploaded files can be associated with a post or page so the download URL, thumbnail and other file information are appended automatically to the content borrower form.

Additionally there are options to limit traffic and download speed.

Some more features:

  • Arrange files in categories and sub-categories
  • Automatically creates thumbnails of images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Powerful template engine (variables, IF-Blocks)
  • Associate files to posts and automatically attach them to the content
  • Customisable file list widget
  • Hotlinking protection
  • Daily and monthly traffic limits
  • Download speed limiter for registered users and anonymous
  • Range download (allows user to pause downloads and continue them later)
  • Works with permalink structure
  • Download counter which ignores multiple downloads from the same client
  • Many file properties like author, version, supported languages, platforms, license …

WordPress Plugin Directory Entry

Example of three auto-attached files:

WP-Filebase Attachements

WP-Filebase Widget:

WP-Filebase Widget

Download the movie Hannah Download qsync Download Sniper Assassin
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  • Paul KPOGNON says:

    Hi Developper,
    How can I use the shortcode in a template to display the name of a particular category without listing all of them?

    Exemple: do_shortcode(‘[ …..]’);

    Thank you

  • borisa says:

    A week ago, I asked for your permission to translate your plugin. Since I didn’t get any answer from you, it would be very kind of you to consider my proposal and let me know if its alright to translate it.

  • Can i use it for creating waiting page for downloading a file?

  • Dartwin says:

    Since I updated to the new version, Chrome is blocking the files downloaded with a message that the file is dangerous because it contains malware.
    The same file can be downloaded directly from Dropbox without problems.
    It appears that the message of malware detection is given only when file is downloaded through the Filebase menu I have on my download web page.
    Our Customers are worried to download infected files and this gives a bad light to our image .

    Can you pls help?

    Thank you

  • Hi Fabian! You really have to install Akismet and WP-Hashcash, this article of yours is full of comment spam…

    Anyway, I was wondering if you had a valid nginx configuration posted somewhere to make WP-Filebase compatible with nginx. Right now, the problem seems to be that the URL redirection to “hide” the directory where the files are (e.g. /download/name-of-file.ext redirecting to the “real” file in the “real” directory) will make nginx believe this is an access to static content… which does not exist (the URL is generated by WP-Filebase) and, as such, throws a 404 error.

    How are you handling the redirections anyway? They don’t appear on .htaccess, so I guess they’re internally handled by the Rewrite API?

  • EmFPecora says:

    I am using wp-filebase and WP Ajax Grid. As soon as I include any wp-filebase shortcode in my post, the other plugin stops working. I am told that this is a Javascript code conflict. Whenever a script a plugin/theme uses jQuery, it must include it into WordPress using the proper wp_enqueue_scripts function and hook. Does wp-filebase use jQuery in the proper way? Could you please fix this issue?

    Web site: http://www.emfpecora.eu/preview/wordpress

  • Miguel says:

    Hi Fabian
    I’ve installed your plugin WP-filebase in my WordPress.
    It works fine, but I have two problems:
    – whenever the user clics Download, the associated PDF file opens, despite the “General Option” of Firefox is set to “Always ask where to save the file”. I don’t know where the problem is.

    – I would like not to have a counter. Is that possible?


  • Iris says:


    kannst du mir bitte sagen, wie ich eine photo gallerie mit dem plugin erstellen kann?

    Irgendwie stehe ich da bei der Umsetzung wohl auf der Leitung und ich konnte auch im Netz nichts dazu finden.

    Vielen Dank und lieben Gruß

  • Plugin braucht zu lange zum Laden! Das ist schlecht

  • jp says:

    I have this enabled n settings,
    Auto-detect thumbnails
    Images are considered as thumbnails for files with the same name when syncing. (e.g `file.jpg` `file.zip`)

    but the problem is it shows the file.zip and the file.jpg as two seperate downloads when it’s listing the files in my post, http://www.r4db.com/plr/ . I thought the image was supposed to be the thumnail for the download. what am i doing wrong?

    thanks for the awsome plugin! I hope you decide to lower the license fee for the pro ver. in the future. thanks again

  • […] can see a live demo on my Website, documentation can be found here. For support, please leave a message on my blog. When having trouble don’t forget to post PHP and WordPress version! Any ideas/feature […]

  • Pietrus says:


    Thank you for this plug-in.
    I would like to know if when user is not logged in it is possible that this user can view files but not download them? Basically allow all users to see files but only registered user are allowed to download/upload files.
    When I enable: “Daily user download limits” “If enabled, unregistered users cannot download any files”. That’s it’s fine but they can’t see any file.
    There is any way to do this?
    Sorry for my english.

  • instron says:

    Mysql was crashed, and also wp_wpfb_files wp_wpfb_files_id3

    140310 1:24:52 InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
    InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
    InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files…
    InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
    InnoDB: buffer…
    140310 1:24:52 InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
    140310 1:24:53 InnoDB: 5.5.35 started; log sequence number 12907104
    140310 1:24:53 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ‘’; port: 3306
    140310 1:24:53 [Note] – ‘’ resolves to ‘’;
    140310 1:24:53 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ‘’.
    140310 1:24:53 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
    140310 1:24:53 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
    Version: ‘5.5.35-0ubuntu0.12.04.2’ socket: ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ port: 3306 (Ubuntu)
    140310 1:24:54 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table ‘./wordpress/wp_wpfb_files’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired
    140310 1:24:54 [Warning] Checking table: ‘./wordpress/wp_wpfb_files’
    140310 1:24:54 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table ‘./wordpress/wp_wpfb_files_id3’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired
    140310 1:24:54 [Warning] Checking table: ‘./wordpress/wp_wpfb_files_id3’

  • Sally Olle says:

    Hello..I have purchased the pro version. My file browser is not working..though it was. Funnily the folders open using the footer links, but not directly on the page?

  • James Ta says:

    I want user can see file but when click on file, it go to login page. How I setting ?

  • Kelly Whalen says:

    Is there a way to put each parent category on a separate page? For example, we want to feature product A, B, and C – but we want 3 different pages to feature each, we don’t want them all on the same page.

  • I am using the default file template. My website hosting company moved to WordPress 3.8.2 yesterday and now, all of my thumbnail icons are no longer left aligned. They are being drawn on top of the file names. Is there a fix?

  • aaliyah says:

    kann mal wer sagen wie man das downloadet >:-(

  • aaliyah says:

    kann mal wer sagen wie man das downloadet >:(

  • Antoine says:

    Files names with “+” caracter don’t work, it’s impossible to dowload them in the front office, an 404 error occurs. But the dowload is correct in the back office.
    How can we do ? Could you help us ?
    Best regards

  • Was using the Free version and bought the Pro version today and now fields are missing when I go to add files to pages. For example, I click “Add List” and it says “Select Category” but there ARE no categories listed. Only “All Categories” is available.

    Likewise, I cannot select Tags or other options. There is a heading for the option, but then no options are displayed for me to select. Help, I have a presentation next week and I purchased Pro because it offered these great additions and now I can’t do the basic things that the Free version was doing fine. Can you please help? Thank you!

  • dan mckinney says:

    Hello! I need a download plug-in that will allow me to 1.) have multiple passwords, 2) only allow one download for each password.

    For example, If I sell an ePub at a book event for an author then I want to issue a unique password to the buyer and after the password is used for a download then the password will not work to download the file again.

    Can you provide direction or advise?

  • mstudio says:

    Hey, I like the plugin, it is amazing, I have a question.
    How I can make the plugin work form right to left?
    The folder icon are on the right but the expand and the reduce icon are on the left and the sub folders and files do not shown hierarchy, they shown one under the other.
    How can I fix this?

  • 3rdEye says:

    Hi there,

    first: thank you for this plugin, I like it very much.
    sec: Question: How can I align the default download template left on posts instead in the middle?

  • Bh says:

    Howdy – I am unable to synch my FTP database with my site. The problem started today. Any guidance?

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