
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


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  • AndiT sagt:

    I tried to update wp-filebase (the free version).
    I receive this message and cannot update:
    Die Datei konnte nicht kopiert werden. wp-filebase/wpfb-load.php

    This translates as follows:
    The file could not be copied. wp-filebase/wpfb-load.php.

    Do i have to adjust rights with chmod for this php file?
    Thank you

  • Stryke sagt:

    I apologize if I’ve missed it, but is there a way to generate and display a MD5 hash for files that have been uploaded?

  • MKiani sagt:

    I’ve change my host due to suspension i.e. i can’t access to my previous site; any way, now i need my previous template how i can recover from sql database. please help to find ..

  • Joshua Michaels sagt:

    Since the most recent update, WP-Filebase is completely ignoring the default sort order settings.

    We have multiple files added per week, all with the date in the filename:

    Awesome File 14-06-03
    Awesome File 14-06-02
    Awesome File 14-06-01

    We have WP-Filebase default order set to display by title, Descending.

    Since the update they are listed Ascending like so:

    Awesome File 12-10-09
    Awesome File 12-10-10
    Awesome File 12-10-11

    Awesome File 14-06-01
    Awesome File 14-06-02
    Awesome File 14-06-03

    Changing the default sort order and/or Ascending/Descending does nothing.

    It is crucial that this works as we have people paying for these files so they need to be displayed in the correct order.

    Before this is fixed, do you have a link to the previous version (3.7.1) that we can use in the meantime.


  • Dan sagt:

    I have your plugin installed and I am maintaining about 13 thousand PDF’S with your product. I really like the plugin and it has worked great up until this point. For some strange reason, all my files are now showing they are off-line where they were online before.
    I have tried re-syncing data base but with no success
    Is there any way to restore them back online in mass rather than performing 50 at a time?

  • iRolf sagt:

    hi Fabi,

    I use a different content folder than /wp-content/…
    but the plugin tried to fetch a css from the old path, like /wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/wp-filebase.css?ver=″

    where can I fix this?

  • Hello, the client has requested we remove the „Hits“ column. Can you explain how to do that? Thank you!

    • Stryke sagt:

      Edit the default template under wp-filebase settings, template tab. Look for this line and either delete it or comment it out
      %file_hits% %’Downloads’%

      • Thank you but that didn’t work. Here’s what the default template currently has. I removed the line you mentioned:

        div class=“wpfilebase-file-default“ onclick=“if(‚undefined‘ == typeof event.target.href) document.getElementById(‚wpfb-file-link-%uid%‘).click();“>

        » %’Post’%

        %’Version:’% %file_version%





  • One More question: I am very carefully tagging and categorizing files, yet files are showing up in categories they do not belong in, on the front end of the website.

    For instance, I am using this code on one page:
    [wpfilebase tag=list tpl=table sort='<file_date' pagenav=1 search='Financial 2014' /]

    And i've tagged the files "Financial 2014." But I just added another file tagged with "CAC Minutes 2013" and it showed up under the "Financial 2014" tag.

    This is becoming very frustrating because we are managing over 200 documents and every time we upload new documents they are showing up on pages they shouldn't, requiring us to check all pages whenever we upload a document, to make sure it didn't go to the wrong place. The tags are NOTHING alike and I've even got them in separate categories and sub categories to make it nice and neat, but it's still happening. Can you help? Thank you!

  • Hi,
    gibt es eine Möglichkeit, in WPFilebase eine Fortschrittsanzeige für Downloads einzubinden? Aktuelle Browser zeigen den Download-Forschritt ja eigentlich an aber für nicht so blickige User oder ältere Browser wäre dit super.
    ansonsten aber, Danke! ein tolles Plugin und sehr empfehlenswert.
    Herzliche Grüße
    Sebastian Hoffmann

  • Hello, was wondering if I could get support on the above issues dated July 3? Thank you!

  • Mike Towler sagt:


    Thanks for creating this plugin – very useful.

    I’m using it to manage a list of articles extracted from a monthly newsletter going back 20 years. The only issue I’m having is with long titles, which — using the standard template — display in a really ugly way (with the thumbnail image above everything else – I’ve posted a snapshot at the stated URL where you can see what I mean).. it’s not obvious to me how to change the style so it displays nicely. I would be very grateful if you could suggest something..?

    Best wishes,

    • Stryke sagt:

      You can style the download image and title names using css to give a Max-width declaration and then wrap the text, or you could rename the files to something shorter before uploading.

  • Mike Towler sagt:

    Sorry – the URL in your form doesn’t display. Here it is:


  • Thank you for this wonderful plug-in! Before I really mess up your code in the CSS, I was wondering if you can point me to the line that I need to change in order to get the category headers to show LEFT rather than centered. I would like to make them bold as well. I tried to find the template CSS for the 3-col-row category template, but it is elusive to me! I am sure this would be a very easy change, but I want to do it right versus playing with the code. I had tried to ‚copy‘ the list-view Table template to a newly named on so that I could test it, but that’s not working either since I need to get to the code for the 3-col-row category template. You can see from the website link how the category is centered and looks out of place. I wish that I could combine the 3-col-row with the Data-Table template to get the shaded rows without the search input and entry input. Hope you can help me! Thanks from the coast of Eastern North Carolina. – Todd, Network Admin/Webmaster

  • eric sagt:

    Having an issue where the small green wp-filebase icon on the post or page doesn’t show up. THe plugin is installed and activated and all of the file links work throughout the site. just not the icon to insert a new file on the post page. That is what my client has used since we installed this a year or so ago.

  • […] WP-Filebase – ???? ??????????? ??? ?????????, ? ??????????? ????? ????????? ?????. ??????????? ?????? ??, ??????? ?? ?????????????? ??? ?????. ? ?????? ????? ?????????? ????? ? ?????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????????????? ?? ?????? ???????????, ???? ??????? ??????? ????????… […]

  • […] DISQUS, and try to look for plugins that do one thing, and do it well, not all-in-one solutions. WP-Filebase Download Manager is another one because I have a lot of clients with PDF’s and other files on their […]

  • roadbuilder sagt:

    wp file is exactly what i was looking for.
    i did a page with Bibliograpgie in tree view which is fine.
    Unfortunately this does not work on mobile devices ( Ipad,Android ,Iphone)
    Take a look at
    on PC it is Ok , for the rest ………

    Can you please help, i will buy the pro License

    • Stryke sagt:

      The issues you’re having aren’t related to this plugin. Your links don’t work in mobile view, there is visible inline css in your header and a few other things that could be fixed. This is likely related to your choice of theme and it’s responsive capabilities.

  • Chris Vermeulen sagt:

    I have been using the pro plugin for WP;FileBase for years its great, but a long time ago the video archive player stopped allowing users to adjust volume and will not allow them to make video full screen, anyone know how to resolve this issue?

  • I’m using WP 4.4.2. Unfortunatedly I cannot add any files anymore. When using the simple form there is no error showing up, but the file seems not to upload. When using batch upload a red message appears after uploading: Unable to insert item into DB! Column ‚file_hash‘ cannot be null

    The plugin has Always worked just fine. Now uploading is not possible anymore. What can be the problem?

  • Ewan Castle sagt:


    I want to hide the text that has the class name info, it has the file size, number of downloads and details button, I have deleted it from the settings.php file within classes but it still appears? Can you help?



  • Hein sagt:

    WordPress 4.5 does kill the file tree list when you want to add a file to a post. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.

  • markmade sagt:

    i have the same problem…
    When can we expect a solution?

  • Hein sagt:

    Plugin confirmed working again. Thanks!

  • Berni sagt:

    Hi Hein,

    how did you made the plugin working again? I’m afraid that disabling the plugin and enabling again would loose the pertinent database connection. And will fix that the probleme with the empty tree anyway?
    So please tell me hoe you fixed it. Thanks!

  • Thorsten sagt:


    schönes Plugin!

    Ein paar Fragen hab ich dennoch:

    1. Wo kann ich die Rechte vergeben wer Dateien hochladen kann?
    2. Kann ich auf Dateien in Beiträgen verweisen?
    3. Gibt es so etwas wie einen Ausstehenden Review für Dateien?
    4. Wo kann ich nachlesen wie das mit den Templates funktioniert?

    Danke für die Antworten


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