
WP-Filebase – Datei Download Manager für WordPress

WP-Filebase is a powerful file/download management plugin for WordPress.

It uses a category/sub-category/file taxonomy to keep everything structured borrower form. Providing a template system, the plugin is made for consistent output for file attachements and file lists including pagination and search functions.

There are two versions available:

WP-Filebase Pro or WP-Filebase (free)

With WP-Filebase you can…

  • create dynamic paginated and sortable file lists
  • build photo galleries
  • embed flash (or other formats) videos using a template player
  • easily publish MP3 and other audio files with automatic ID3 tag detection
  • restrict downloads for certain user roles
  • upload files from the front-end via widgets

WP-Filebase Pro includes the following extra features:

  • PDF thumbnails
  • Embedded Upload forms
  • Dropbox and FTP Sync
  • Extended Permissions
  • Secondary Categories for Files

Documentation is available here Halsion Lunch. Feel free to post any bug reports or feature requests in the comments below. If you really like WP-Filebase, you should consider buying a Pro License to support the project Download the movie Hannah.

Currently in Development:

  • File Tags: Like tags of WordPress Articles, files can have multiple tags. In you can only set tags and display them with the template variable %file_tags% Download qsync. Listing all files with the same tags and tag links are not implemented yet.
  • Bulk Actions, I know they are greatly missed 😉


This page is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Anja Skrba from Webhostinggeeks.com/wordpresshosting Download Sniper Assassin.

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  • Kello sagt:

    ich hab genau das selbe problem wie eliZZZa 🙁
    habe auch schon versucht, das plugin komplett zu löschen (um wieder über den beschriebenen umweg zu dem gesuchten url zu kommen), irgendwo hat es aber die einstellungen gespeichert 🙁

  • Kello sagt:

    WORKAROUND gefunden: per ftp-client unterverzeichnisse erstellen und die files dort rein laden! dann erkennt wp-filebase die ordner als kategorien!
    hoffe das hilft dem nächsten, der hier drüber stolpert 😉

  • Fabi sagt:

    Also bei meinen Tests ist mir das noch nie passiert. Werde das mal untersuchen
    Könntet ihr vielleicht mal den Link posten, auf den der Button „Manage Categories“ verweist posten? (Wenn ihr mit der Maus auf den Button geht, sollte unten in der Browserstatusleiste der Link angezeigt werden, oder ihr klickt mit der rechte Maustaste auf den Button und kopiert ihn).
    So sollte er eignelich aussehen:

    Und was steht oben in der Adresszeile, nachdem ihr draufgeklickt habt?

  • Raul sagt:


    I’m using thsi widget and it does what I’m looking for, I only have one question, If the user is not logged in and it clicks on a fiel to download, it goes to an error page, is there a way to chage this to something liek „you must register…“ ?


  • Hi these is my problem try to view this image and tell me what should i do to fix the problem, i already finish uploading a file

  • Fabi sagt:

    Ok, new version
    * Added multiple templates support (you can now create custom templates for file lists)
    * Added option *Hide inaccessible files* and *Inaccessible file message*
    * When resetting WP-Filebase settings the traffic stats are retained now
    * Fixed *Manage Categories* button
    * Enhanced content tag parser
    * Added support for HTTP `ETag` header (for caching)
    * Improved template generation

    @Kello & eliZZZa: der Fehler mit dem Kategorie-Button wurde behoben

    @Raul: you can now set your custom message under WP-Filebase Settings

    @johnreillymarbarace: try the new version and give feedback please

  • Raul sagt:


    Thank You!

  • luke sagt:

    Hi This looks great, but is there any report functionality, specifically, some way of find outing WHO downloaded What and WHEN. It’s important to the client….Thanks!

  • Fabi sagt:

    You can use Google Analytics, but individual user tracking is not supported by the plugin.

    If you’re familiar with JavaScript you can write your own solution using the Download JavaScript in Wp-Filebase Settings.
    There you can put a jQuery to request a PHP Script which tracks the download.
    This solution is quite not simple, but for now its the only way.

  • luke sagt:

    Thanks Fabi , nor sure this will be a practical solution for me, but thank you for your quick reply and suggestions.

  • im currently using the newest version but still i got the same problem, pls help me coz i need this plugin to work so much…

  • Martina sagt:

    Hallo, ich habe Schwierigkeiten bei der Nutzung von permalinks –
    die Downloads tauchen nur auf, wenn permalinks ausgeschaltet sind.
    Die Downloads sollen allesamt unter http://new.johnny-depp.org/galleries/downloads/Kategoriename/ erscheinen – als Permalink structure ist /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Als URL base habe ich „galleries/downloads“ angegeben.
    Wordpress-Version: 2.8.5, php 5.1.6
    Ansonsten ist das ein tolles Skript – genau das, was ich brauche 🙂

  • Chan sagt:

    Hi there,

    I’m currently using wordpress 2.8.5 and using WP-Filebase version I’m having trouble uploading files to my website. When I click the „WP-Filebase“ in the Tools menu, it just gives me a blank page. I’m not sure what is wrong and I was wondering if you can help me out. Thanks

  • David sagt:


    ich nutze WP 2.8.5 und php5.x und die aktuelle WP-Filebase Version und habe in der reinen Nutzung keinerlei Probleme, allerdings sind alle Dateien, die ich (egal ob via FTP oder Pageupload) hochlade, beim Download beschädigt. Habe es jetzt mit .rar’s, .pdf’s, .jpeg’s und .png’s getestet. Keine funktioniert.

    Was kann ich da machen?

    Gruß & Dank

  • im still waiting for the solution of my problem, please help….

  • Ondrej sagt:

    I was wondering where could I change the „KiB“ used for kilobytes to a standard „kB“ abbreviation. I cannot find this anywhere in the code throughout the php/css files, as far as I’ve tried. (Not being a PHP pro)

    Thanks for any direction.

  • John Wheeler sagt:

    Love this plugin! Thank You!

    On the second site I am using this on both the „settings“ page and the „tools“ page for the plugin are completely blank – no text at all. I have tried deactivating and reactivating, uninstalling and reinstalling.

    Workpress version is 2.8.5
    PHP version is 5.1.2

    I’m serious – this plugin absolutely rocks! I hope you can help me troubleshoot this issue.



  • Fabi sagt:

    @Martina: in der nächsten Version gibts eine Funktion zum Deaktivieren der Permalinks

    johnreillymarbarace, whats your PHP version? If you dont know how to figure that out, install this plugin:

    @Ondrej, actually the WP-Filebase output of file sizes is correct, since it uses binary multiples (i.e 1024) and not decimal (1000). You can read in Wikipedia about this confusion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte#Unit_multiples and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibyte
    Anyway, I’ll add an option to toggle between binary (1 KiB = 1024B) and decimal (1 KB = 1000B) size formatting.

    @John Wheeler: I’ve never had this problem on any of my test servers. I’m not sure if I tested it on PHP 5.12 but it actually should work, since PHP 4 was no problem. Give me some time to check this out.

  • cyberloner sagt:

    I have about 100 files in a folder… but when i syncronize some files is not added in the list…
    i am using the latest version and i really like your plugin… not other plugin works and good custom control like yours. tested a lot plugin and yours the best. i just hope some solution from you bro. thanks

  • cyberloner sagt:

    please help…. is it some limitation per folder?

  • Ondrej sagt:

    Thank you Fabi for your reply. I understand the technical accuracy of KiB now, but from a user’s point of view it makes no difference whether a file is sized in kB or KiB – it is just big or small:) And people very rarely meet the KiB mark.

    Thanks for the option if it gets to a new version.

  • John Wheeler sagt:

    If you are interested and willing I would be happy to set up a web meeting using GoToMeeting and show you what I have going on. It really is puzzling. On one server it works great and on another the tools and settings are blank.

    Here’s a screenshot of the setting page. The tools page looks the same.


    Thanks for your help.

  • andi sagt:

    hi, thanks for the plugin!
    i just wondering how do you assign multiple categories to a file, i need to asociate 2 o 3 categories to the same file

    thank you!

  • Martina sagt:

    Danke, Fabi – ich würde die permalinks aber schon sehr gern nutzen und verstehe nicht, warum es nicht geht 🙁 woran kanns denn liegen?

  • itai sagt:

    I have the same problem as John Wheeler… blank settings/tools page
    I’m on wp-2.8.5 , php-5.3.0 , filebase-


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