
WP-Filebase – File Download Manager for WordPress

Halsion Lunch

WP-Filebase is a powerful download manager supporting file categories, thumbnails and more.

Uploaded files can be associated with a post or page so the download URL, thumbnail and other file information are appended automatically to the content borrower form.

Additionally there are options to limit traffic and download speed.

Some more features:

  • Arrange files in categories and sub-categories
  • Automatically creates thumbnails of images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Powerful template engine (variables, IF-Blocks)
  • Associate files to posts and automatically attach them to the content
  • Customisable file list widget
  • Hotlinking protection
  • Daily and monthly traffic limits
  • Download speed limiter for registered users and anonymous
  • Range download (allows user to pause downloads and continue them later)
  • Works with permalink structure
  • Download counter which ignores multiple downloads from the same client
  • Many file properties like author, version, supported languages, platforms, license …

WordPress Plugin Directory Entry

Example of three auto-attached files:

WP-Filebase Attachements

WP-Filebase Widget:

WP-Filebase Widget

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  • Henrik says:

    Hello Fabi

    since I’m about to convert from Joomla to WP 3.0.4, I stumbled across your program WP Filebase as it fits really well with my work on our website. What we need to upload to directories and link there.

    But when I installed following your excellent guide, then comes wp filebase also appear on the desktop but the desktop is locked in close settings and tools?

    Can not install through the plugin

    What could be the problem.

    Thanks in advance

  • Leo says:

    Hi Fabi,

    looks like a great job and exactly what I have been looking for! I wonder why this is not core.

    If at some point you will include a search that enables to search by category as well, this would be really valuable for me!

    Looking forward to your future developments


  • Fabi says:

    @Henrik: I can’t follow you, sorry. Any error messages?

    @Leo: I’m working on it. There will be lots of new features and improvements, including the search function.
    I will release a beta soon.

  • Andy says:

    great to hear about the search feature and that this plugin isn’t dead!

  • Andy says:

    oh, and will it be safe to assume that your new version will be upgradeable from the current version?

  • Fizzgigg says:

    … and I hope it will be comaptible with the upcoming WP3.1?

  • Fabi says:

    Yup, new version is easily upgradable (using a tag converter which converts old tags into WP compatible shortcode). The whole plugin code has been reviewed according to the latest standards of the plugin API, so no worries about future compatibility.

  • JMD says:

    I just installed your plugin on my site to replace wordpress download manager, and I must say, this is the closest WordPress Plugin there is to the Joomla Docman extension. Fabulous work.

    I have one issue though I am having when I download files from the site. The files are downloaded with the suffix pdf(2).part added at the end of each file name, and as a result, acrobat does not recognize the files to open them, until I rename them to end with just .pdf This may be okay for computer savvy people, but others will not know what to do once they download the files. Could you help fix this issue. http://www.hivaidszimbabwe.com/reports/

    This is in my books one of the most essential wordpress plugins and I want to encourage you to continue developing it and keeping up with the WordPress updates. I think most would pay for this plugin as a premium plugin, just to keep it up to date. So please do not let this plugin die.

  • AWS says:

    I have a large number of downloads in each category. Is it possible to add multi-page support so we can split the downloads page to multiple pages? It would be great if there was an option to split to new pages after 15 files or so.

  • Neil says:

    Hi Fabian

    I’ve just installed Filebase on a wordpress 3.04 site running on IIS 6 and it all seems fine except the filebase page under Tools is blank.

    Any ideas?

  • Titus says:

    A quick question: i use the CKEDITOR wysiwyg plugin which I believe is the best editor for WordPress. When installing filebase, the icon for filebase is (obviously) not added to ckeditor. Could you kindly advise what I need to do to add the filebase icon to CKEDITOR?

    Thanks a million!!

  • sean says:

    Whenever I try to insert a file into a page/post using the button it inserts the shortcode above the header of my wordpress backend (link to screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/g2U92.jpg). Any fix for this???

  • Jure says:

    Any news on the update?When can we expect it?

  • Fabi says:

    This is what I’ve done so far:
    = 0.2.0 =
    * Improved editor plugin
    * Added support for remote files (sideload and redirect)
    * Template preview
    * WP Search integration
    * Small thumbnails in admin file list
    * Swedish translation by Håkan
    * Russian translation by L4NiK
    * Removed deprecated user level system, using Roles for file and category permissions now
    * Added RAR file type
    * New TPL var %post_id%
    * Output buffering fix to trim any interfering output when downloading
    * Fixes, fixes and new bugs 😉

    Since I have some exams next month, I can’t effort that much time to this. Might give out a beta next week.

    @sean try Firefox

  • Titus says:

    Thanks Fabi, appreciate your efforts as always! Good luck with the studies for your exams!!!

  • Sommer C. says:

    Is it, or would it be possible, to create a widget that lists files only from a specified category? Right now it can list all categories, or most popular/recent files, but I don’t see a way I can specify it to show all downloads from one category. It would be a great addition!

  • Jan says:

    I’m wondering if I can have these appear in a list under each category.

  • Fabi says:

    On my todo, please wait for the update!

  • Christian says:

    Hallo Fabi,

    bin gerade dabei deine WP-Filebase zu testen. Gefällt mir schon sehr gut. Ich habe nur ein Problem bei dem Link zu den Details des Downloads. Wenn ich bei mir auf den Link klicke passiert nichts. Der Download an sich funktioniert.

    Hast Du vielleicht einen Tipp?

    Danke + Gruß

    WP 3.04
    PHP-Version 5.2.12-nmm2
    MySQL-Version 5.1.43-nmm4-log

  • Fabi says:

    Kannst du mir mal die URL der betroffenen Seite schicken?

  • Christian says:

    Ja hier der Link: http://www.jakspeed-racing.de/blog/downloads/thunder_tiger/parts_kataloge/

    Es ist der Autor und eine Beschreibung im Admin Panel eingetragen.

  • Fabi says:

    Ist bei dem Template wp_footer() drin? Die JS-Datei von WP-Filebase wird im Footer geladen und die fehlt bei dir.

  • ashok says:


    Your plugin is nice, i found that other than administrator no one can edit/delete or view all the files from dashboard. Please let me know the changes so that editor also get same access as admin for this plugin

  • scimon says:

    Hi Fabi,

    Why does the plug-in need the “no_cache” option, or to set a cookie just to control program flow? It seems like the code ought to determine as early as possible if the request is for a Filebase managed file or not, and step out of the way if not. As it is, a lot of the plug-in code gets executed for every single request, which can have a number of undesirable impacts, not least of which is performance.

  • scimon says:

    Also, as long as the no_cache flag exists, you could call wp_get_nocache_headers()
    rather than have the explicit header() tags in classes/Download.php 😉

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