
WP-Filebase – File Download Manager for WordPress

Halsion Lunch

WP-Filebase is a powerful download manager supporting file categories, thumbnails and more.

Uploaded files can be associated with a post or page so the download URL, thumbnail and other file information are appended automatically to the content borrower form.

Additionally there are options to limit traffic and download speed.

Some more features:

  • Arrange files in categories and sub-categories
  • Automatically creates thumbnails of images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Powerful template engine (variables, IF-Blocks)
  • Associate files to posts and automatically attach them to the content
  • Customisable file list widget
  • Hotlinking protection
  • Daily and monthly traffic limits
  • Download speed limiter for registered users and anonymous
  • Range download (allows user to pause downloads and continue them later)
  • Works with permalink structure
  • Download counter which ignores multiple downloads from the same client
  • Many file properties like author, version, supported languages, platforms, license …

WordPress Plugin Directory Entry

Example of three auto-attached files:

WP-Filebase Attachements

WP-Filebase Widget:

WP-Filebase Widget

Download the movie Hannah Download qsync Download Sniper Assassin
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  • Stefan says:

    Thanks for this great plugin again.
    I have two issues:
    1. How can I copy WP-Filebase content from one site to another in a multi site installation?
    2. What about my suggestion from above (in german) to replace the subscription and custom textarea fields with ckeditor or tinymce rich text editor areas by option?
    Best regards

  • mzer michael says:

    Hi, thanks for the plugin, i just downloaded today from wordpress.org. Does the plugin support upload of these file formats: zip files,and psd?


  • Hi,

    I just install you pluging, upload file, put it on my page. But then when i try to dowload it is not the files i have upload… So weird. Any explanacion ?

  • Matt says:

    This plugin works great when viewing my site on a PC, but when I use my Android phone the entire contents are not displayed. Haven’t tried an iPhone or other mobile device. Is there a setting I can change or is this a known issue or limitation?

    • Matt says:

      Never mind…I was having a user roles/permissions issue in WordPress. My file browser page is protected, and the Android phone wasn’t logged on to my site. Wasn’t an Android issue at all. Thanks for a great plugin….

  • Susan Finch says:

    Successfully using on http://bartleygroupinc.com. They want to switch to bartleygroup.com – set up new site, installed plugin, uploaded files through FTP. We have 37. Do we have to start over or is there a way to reattach to the files uploaded through FTP? When I go to the landing page for the filebase menu item in left of wp-admin, I get this note: Synchronises the database with the file system. Use this to add FTP-uploaded files.
    Cron sync is disabled. The bartleygroupinc.com site has a tools section and option to sync filebase, convert old tag. Made all settings match as closely as possible.
    bartleygroupinc.com is running: Version
    bartleygroup.com is running: Version
    Your assistance is appreciated.

  • Joe says:

    The plugin was great until one of your recent updates. Right now it doesn’t work in IE for me. I get a link with res://ieframe.dll/acr_error.htm#powermediallc.org at the beginning. Try to figure out a solution for over a week, but not getting any responses. Any chance I can get help fixing this?

    FYI…Plugin works fine in other browsers

  • Matthew says:

    Is there a way to add more user roles to choose who is able to see certain files? I have a lot of users who are subscribers but they don’t all have access to the same files and I would like to put them into different groups. Is there a way to do this that I haven’t seen or do I need to edit code somewhere?

    • scimon says:

      Because the plug-in does not enumerate the existing wordpress roles (tsk tsk), you have to edit the code e.g;

      --- AdminGuiSettings.php~ 2011-04-14 13:09:43.000000000 -0500
      +++ AdminGuiSettings.php 2011-04-18 11:30:13.000000000 -0500

      @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@

      __('Display', WPFB) => array('auto_attach_files', 'filelist_sorting', 'filelist_sorting_dir', 'filelist_num', /* TODO: remove? 'parse_tags_rss',*/ 'decimal_size_format'),

      __('Download', WPFB) => array('disable_permalinks', 'download_base', 'force_download', 'range_download', 'hide_links', 'ignore_admin_dls', 'accept_empty_referers','allowed_referers'),

      __('Form Presets', WPFB) => array('languages', 'platforms', 'licenses', 'requirements'),

      - __('Limits', WPFB) => array('bitrate_unregistered', 'bitrate_registered', 'traffic_day', 'traffic_month', 'traffic_exceeded_msg', 'file_offline_msg', 'daily_user_limits', 'daily_limit_subscriber', 'daily_limit_contributor', 'daily_limit_author', 'daily_limit_editor', 'daily_limit_exceeded_msg'),

      + __('Limits', WPFB) => array('bitrate_unregistered', 'bitrate_registered', 'traffic_day', 'traffic_month', 'traffic_exceeded_msg', 'file_offline_msg', 'daily_user_limits', 'daily_limit_subscriber', 'daily_limit_auditor', 'daily_limit_contributor', 'daily_limit_author', 'daily_limit_editor', 'daily_limit_exceeded_msg'),

      __('Security', WPFB) => array('allow_srv_script_upload', 'hide_inaccessible', 'inaccessible_msg', 'inaccessible_redirect', 'login_redirect_src', 'protect_upload_path'),
      __('Templates and Scripts', WPFB) => array('template_file', 'template_cat', 'dlclick_js')

      • Matthew says:

        Thanks Scimon for getting back to me so quickly. Could you just explain a little bit of how to use your code? Do I need to add it in on a certain line? Do I need to replace certain code with this code? Any help you could give me would be appreciated.

  • martin says:

    Dear fabi.me,

    Is there a way to overwrite files when uploading.

    At the moment the same named files are appended an extra number and added to the previous versions.

    This will break links to individual files.

    Is there a way to ensure previous files are overwritten?

    • scimon says:

      I supplied a patch for this awhile back, but it seems to have been ignored, here it is again:

      --- wp-filebase.php~ 2012-09-28 10:31:38.000000000 -0500

      +++ wp-filebase.php 2012-09-28 11:45:20.000000000 -0500

      @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

      Plugin URI: https://fabi.me/wordpress-plugins/wp-filebase-file-download-manager/

      Description: Adds a powerful downloads manager supporting file categories, download counter, widgets, sorted file lists and more to your WordPress blog.

      Author: Fabian Schlieper


      +Version: !CUSTOM Permit clobber on upload to prevent lousy filename versioning, and SSL mixed content fix

      Author URI: https://fabi.me/


      @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@

      if(!defined('ABSPATH')) {

      define('ABSPATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))));

      } else {

      - define('WPFB_PLUGIN_URI', str_replace(str_replace('\\','/',ABSPATH),get_option('siteurl').'/',WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT));

      +# define('WPFB_PLUGIN_URI', str_replace(str_replace('\\','/',ABSPATH),get_option('siteurl').'/',WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT));

      + define('WPFB_PLUGIN_URI', str_replace(str_replace('\\','/',ABSPATH),get_home_url().'/',WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT));


      if(!defined('WPFB_PERM_FILE')) define('WPFB_PERM_FILE', 666);

      if(!defined('WPFB_PERM_DIR')) define('WPFB_PERM_DIR', 777);

      --- wpfb_form_file.bak 2012-08-27 17:06:40.000000000 -0500

      +++ wpfb_form_file.php 2012-08-27 17:12:27.000000000 -0500

      @@ -192,6 +192,12 @@







      • scimon says:

        Grr, code tag does not escape less-than and greater-than. The inserted bit at the end and trailing context is:

        + <!-- XXX Sane file handling -->
        + <th colspan="2"><label for="file_upload_overwrite"><?php _e('Overwrite existing files', WPFB) ?></label></th>
        + <td><input type="checkbox" id="file_upload_overwrite" name="overwrite" value="1" checked="checked" /></td></tr><tr>
        <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="file_upload_thumb"><?php _e('Thumbnail'/*def*/) ?></label></th>
        <td class="form-field" colspan="3"><input type="file" name="file_upload_thumb" id="file_upload_thumb" />
        <br /><?php _e('You can optionally upload a thumbnail here. If the file is a valid image, a thumbnail is generated automatically.', WPFB); ?>

  • martin says:

    Hi scimon,

    Wow! that was quick 🙂

    Is this patch something I have to do?

    If so, would I need to re-patch every time WordPress is updated?

    Or are you pointing me to a version that is already patched?

    Thanks, and it’s seriously good software 🙂

    • scimon says:

      I fixed his for myself about two months ago because the goofy IE download-style versioning was driving me batty.

      You have to apply the patch to the plug-in (or make the changes by hand i.e; make lines that match ones beginning with ‘-‘ match those that begin with ‘+’, and insert extras that begin with ‘+’). You’d need to do it every time you update the plug-in (not wordpress) until Fabi gets around to fixing this; the functionality to overwrite is already there, but for some reason the UI is missing.

  • martin says:

    Hi scimon,

    I’m sorry I don’t understand the code changes in the browser above due to the formatting by the browser, is it possible to send me a pure text version via email?

    lovelyjubblybubbly at gmail.com

    Many thanks

  • Albert says:

    Hello, I was wondering how I can get the file list to show up in the search results like on your site along with post results? When i search for a file on my site it just shows as a string of non-linked text. When i search for a file on your site it shows not only posts relating to that search but a Downloads post with a file list that meets the search criteria. I would love to integrate that style. thanks!

  • Fokko says:

    The hotlink protection isn’t working.

  • Tom Salzer says:

    I need to try downgrading from WP-Filebase to Where can I download that older package?

  • carvemore says:

    been using wp-filebase for a while..works great..just did the update and now when uploading a file the choose link to wont work..the links are valid i checked them. It just says can not connecto whatever the link is..might have something to do with the flash uploader?

  • Cordula says:

    vielen Dank, das Free-Plugin ist schon großartig. Jetzt habe ich aber trotzdem noch ein paar Fragen, bevor ich entscheide, auf pro upzudaten:
    1. Ist es möglich, im File-Browser nur eine Kurz-Info der Dateien zu zeigen, und erst mit klick auf den Dateinamen eine Long-Info zu zeigen, so dass der User erst danach entscheidet, ob er die Datei downloaden will? 2. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit einen mp3-player einzubauen, zum Vorhören der Dateien, also nicht mit audio, da firefox, das nicht kann? 2. Gibt es eine Mögllichkeit, verbesserte download-Statistiken zu erhalten und z.b. täglich/monatlich als file abzuspeichern?

  • Test says:

    […] Versiunea | De Fabian Schlieper | Pagina modulului […]

  • Wade says:

    I’ve just completed upgrading and now the Access Permission is a checkbox list that will not uncheck EVERYONE. I’ve tried everything to get this to allow me to select Subscriber…

  • EmiAstur says:

    Congratulations to you for making such a great plugin.
    I’ve seen any error in the English translation, although I admit that I have not corrected it, however I made the translation into Spanish. If you wish, I can send you it.
    A greeting.

  • Darren Byrnes says:

    Quick question – I’m trying out the WP-Filebase (free) right now. it seems to work well except it won’t let me sort my categories. I select the category number, but it opens to a blank page.

    Any suggestions?


  • Travis says:

    I purchased your Pro version and really like the plugin, even though I’m having difficulty understanding how to get any of your “catagory templates” to show up on my download file page. Also is there a way to edit or add other Headings under the “Details” section? I have some download files I need to put under a “Heading Title”. Either that or how do I put various files under heading titles on the same page….meaning after I have a title and then 3 download files…how do I add a heading UNDER those previous 3 so I can start a new batch of files with a different header? And how do I add them to different pages?

  • Debbie says:

    Very nice plugin. How do I change the document center folder icon to a custom icon?

  • liberty says:

    Im, not sure I actually just started using your plugin and I like a lot of the functionality of it.

    However Im using wp-filebase free version at the moment, does it add a QR code to the page or am I way off base here. I have this QR code directly in the middle of the page on my downloads page only, My developer button seems to point to javascript with a link to qr generator website,

    If Im completely offbase here I apologize I do love your plugin it is extremely detailed and must have taken you sometime to create

  • Travis says:

    I bought the pro version but now I’m getting an error message. I don’t believe its the plugin but I don’t know how to fix it.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/elderlaw/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase-pro/classes/Core.php(634) : runtime-created function on line 8

    Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/elderlaw/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase-pro/classes/Item.php on line 290

  • Travis says:

    Files won’t post to the pages.

  • […] WP-Filebase by Fabian Schlieper. […]

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