
WP-Filebase – File Download Manager for WordPress

Halsion Lunch

WP-Filebase is a powerful download manager supporting file categories, thumbnails and more.

Uploaded files can be associated with a post or page so the download URL, thumbnail and other file information are appended automatically to the content borrower form.

Additionally there are options to limit traffic and download speed.

Some more features:

  • Arrange files in categories and sub-categories
  • Automatically creates thumbnails of images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Powerful template engine (variables, IF-Blocks)
  • Associate files to posts and automatically attach them to the content
  • Customisable file list widget
  • Hotlinking protection
  • Daily and monthly traffic limits
  • Download speed limiter for registered users and anonymous
  • Range download (allows user to pause downloads and continue them later)
  • Works with permalink structure
  • Download counter which ignores multiple downloads from the same client
  • Many file properties like author, version, supported languages, platforms, license …

WordPress Plugin Directory Entry

Example of three auto-attached files:

WP-Filebase Attachements

WP-Filebase Widget:

WP-Filebase Widget

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  • thanks for giving me the link for the plugin telling my php version. now i successfully installed it and found out that my php version is 5.2.6…. i hope this informationwill help you to tell me the solution of my problem. Thanks in advance…

  • i finish installing the plugin for viewing my php version. i got PHP Version: 5.2.6. Hope this will help in solving my problem, thanks in advance..

  • Fabi says:

    New Version with tons of changes:
    * New feature: category template for category listing
    * New feature: added file browser which lists categories and files
    * Added option to disable download permalinks
    * New option *Decimal file size prefixes*
    * Fixed a problem with download permalinks
    * Fixed an issue with auto attaching files
    * Fixed a SQL table index issue causing trouble with syncing
    * Fixed a sync bug causing categories to be moved into others

    @cyberloner: try the new version, if you still have problems please post more infos like screenshots, output of the sync, php version

    @Ondrej:here you go! 🙂

    @andi: not supported yet, but on my todo list 😉

    @Martina: in der neuen Version gibt es jetzt die Option Post ID of the file browser. Damit kannst du die Seite festlegen, auf der die Downloads erscheinen sollen, unabhängig von Download URL base. (Du kannst Download URL base auch den URL Pfad der Seite setzen, z.B wenn die Download Seite dir URL hat https://fabi.me/pages/downloads/, kann die URL base auf pages/downloads gesetzt werden.)

    @John Wheeler, itai, johnreillymarbarace: please try the new Version, and check both pages, Tools->WP-Filebase and Settings->WP-Filebase. You should also check if the Editor Button works.

    @John Wheeler: yeah would be cool if we can arrange some kind of meeting, since I couldnt get a test system running where this error is happening. If the new version is still not working, please contact me send me an email.

  • Alan Molnar says:

    I have problem when I want to create page with download links. When I click on Filebase icon in toolbar, in popup window appear “Internal Server Error”. My WordPress version is 2.8.6 and PHP version is 5.2.11.

  • Alan Molnar says:

    Whole message is:
    “The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@gradjanskiparlament.rs and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”


  • itai says:

    Hi fabian, thanks for making a good file manager for wordpress, though I seem to have a problem with the File Browser.

    I’ve set up categories (3 categories deep), and there’s a file in one the categories.
    I’ve created a page and wrote its id at the filebase settings page.

    When I go to the downloads page (/?page_id=7) I get the two main categories with a thumbnail next to them just fine…. when I click the categories it goes to /?page_id=7?wpfb_cat=1 , but the file browser still shows the two base categories… just as if I’m just reloading the page.
    I’m using wordpress 2.8.5, php – I’m not sure, but I assume it’s 5.3.something… and wp-filebase

    any idea on what can I do to resolve this?
    thanks a lot!

  • Markus says:

    Hi great plugin!

    I hava e feature request 🙂

    it would be great to have a detail-page for a single download; I know it’s possible to attach an Article to a Download, but the problem is that the “navigation” gets lost…

    i hope you can see my problem?!?

  • Guillaume Serale says:

    Hello there,

    I’ve downloaded and set-up your WPFileBase plug-in but when I click on the “WP-FileBase” In the “Tools” menu, nothing appears. It’s the same problem as John Wheeler.
    I can access to the setup of WPFileBase anyhow.

    Here are my versions:
    WordPress (French version): 2.8.6
    PHP : 5.3.0

  • cyber says:

    now it is working well.. i just need resynz few times to get all files listed…
    can u add more limit user to contributor and when limit is set .. admin himself cannot download…

  • Fabi says:

    @Guillaume Serale: With “setup of WPFileBase”, do you mean the WP-Filebase settings, where you can set upload path, thumbnail size etc.?

  • Lazy says:

    Hi Fabi

    sounds like a great plugin. just one question, can it upload more than one file per entry?

    thank you very much


  • itai says:

    my problem resolved after this last update. thanks!

  • itai says:

    Hi fabi… I might be missing something, but how can I make the file-browser to show the categories description which I entered?


  • itai says:

    silly me, i just needed to add it to the category template 🙂 resolved

  • Fabi says:

    * Files and categories in the file browser are sorted now
    * Category directories are now renamed when the folder name is changed
    * Fixed file browser query arg
    * Fixed Permalink bug

    @itai: right 🙂

    @Lazy: Bin mir nicht ganz sicher was du möchtest. Mehrere Dateien pro Datei-Eintrag, d.h es gibt für mehrere hochgaldene Dateien nur einen Eintrag in der Datenbank. Versteh ich das richtig?

  • SiGa says:

    Hallo, Fabi! Bin heute auf dein Plugin gestoßen und sehr begeistert – tolle Arbeit, sehr nützlich, viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten… Danke und weiterhin viel Erfolg!

  • itai says:

    Hiya fabi,
    This might require me to mess with the code a bit, but is there any way to do something like this:

    the user is in the File-Browser page, he clicks on a category, then a sub-category. now, is there a way that the next click on the next sub-category will direct the user to a regular Post? (with a download link embedded)

    I hope I’m understandable 🙂

    • Fabi says:

      @itai: this can be done quite easy: Edit WP-Filebase Settings->Default File Template:
      Replace all occurrences of %file_url% with
      <!-- IF %file_post_id% AND get_the_ID() != %file_post_id% -->%file_post_url%<!-- ELSE -->%file_url%<!-- ENDIF -->

      @cyber: what user level have you specified? If you set it to 0, all new subcribers should be able to download the file.

  • cyber says:

    if members only download are tick, newly registered members cannot download the files….
    is it cause by the plugin?

  • cyber says:

    it is set to 0 …
    it happen only for some files.. just suspect newly registered user will not able to download some files.
    some user say can download with IE but not with firefox kinda… me myself test download is ok..
    user reply:
    Hi Cyber… i know what’s wrong. it’s actually firefox thats not allowing me to download and giving me the not allowed to access message.

    I’m using IE at the moment and download works for both links.

    i’m confuse…

  • good day, i finish installing the newest wp-filebase version and checked the pages Tools->WP-Filebase and Settings->WP-Filebase it works fine but the editor button still don’t work, by the way im using a free hosting service on my site, could this be the problem? please help

  • itai says:

    Thanks for the reply, fabi.. I messed around with it a bit, but decided I don’t really need that feature 🙂 I do have another question though… is there a way to tell the File-Browser to show the details div open by default?

    (by the way, is there any documentation on the plugin somewhere? because I couldn’t find any)

  • yourdalink says:

    I have one question.
    I am the user of wp for many years but have never used file uploading function except image. Today, I want to upload some MS word and ebook files to my website. However, I found there is no button in the text editor (add new post) for this fuction. The default function for uploading is only for image, video and audio. No for text or other files.

    So I search for plugin. I have installed your plugin; howeber, there is yet no button in the text editor to add the link to uploaded files.

    What’s wrong with my site? Thanks for support.

  • laura garcia says:

    Hi, I have a problem!
    filebase is currupting my files when i click on the download link for example a pdf file i get some weird name e.g
    QI&n56DK.pdf.part if i remove the appended extention .part it is seen as a pdf but it is unredable and adobe throws an error Currupted file!

    have any idea what i’m doing wrong or is it a bug or some configuration i am not doing correctly it all looks pretty simple to set up I’m quite pleased with the ease of use it just the file curruption i have issues with.

    Thanks Laura.

  • Martina says:

    Hey Fabi, vielen Dank nochmal für die Hilfe! Ich wollte nochmal ganz gern einen Vorschlag machen für die nächste Version: wie sieht es mit Category Icons aus? lg, Martina.

  • Fabi says:

    I’ll check this editor button bug.

    @itai: documentation is WIP 😉

    @laura garcia: I had the same issue when WP Download Manager was installed at the same time. Do you had any other file managers like WP Download Manager installed before?
    Maybe there are still some rewrite rules from previous these plugins. Try to disable and re-enable permalinks.
    Change the Download URL base setting and try enabling Disable download permalinks.

    @Martina: kommt in der nächsten Version…

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