
WP-Filebase – File Download Manager for WordPress

Halsion Lunch

WP-Filebase is a powerful download manager supporting file categories, thumbnails and more.

Uploaded files can be associated with a post or page so the download URL, thumbnail and other file information are appended automatically to the content borrower form.

Additionally there are options to limit traffic and download speed.

Some more features:

  • Arrange files in categories and sub-categories
  • Automatically creates thumbnails of images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP)
  • Powerful template engine (variables, IF-Blocks)
  • Associate files to posts and automatically attach them to the content
  • Customisable file list widget
  • Hotlinking protection
  • Daily and monthly traffic limits
  • Download speed limiter for registered users and anonymous
  • Range download (allows user to pause downloads and continue them later)
  • Works with permalink structure
  • Download counter which ignores multiple downloads from the same client
  • Many file properties like author, version, supported languages, platforms, license …

WordPress Plugin Directory Entry

Example of three auto-attached files:

WP-Filebase Attachements

WP-Filebase Widget:

WP-Filebase Widget

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  • Yurr says:

    Hi Fabi. Thanks for this amazing plugin.
    I do have a question… is there a way to show and download attached files not in a post, but in archive page attached to a post ( for example to call WP-Filebase from “archive” template) like default WP file attachment.?

  • Fabi says:

    Hi Yurr,
    just add the [filebase:attachments] tag before the <!–more–> tag in your post.
    The attachments will be listed in the archive list.

    New Version
    * Added support for custom Category Icons
    * Fixed `file_url` in the download JavaScript for proper tracking
    * Fixed a thumbnail upload bug

    @Martina: viel Spaß damit 😉

  • Yurr says:

    Thank you Fabi. Actually I meant a little other. I have 2-3 files attached to each post and I need to put just one link in the end of the post leading to other page with WP-Filebase attachment list of this post. Something like it done in default attachment WP template. Is there possibility to make so may be using templates?

  • itai says:

    Hey Fabi, great update to the plugin. Love the custom category icons, that the one thing I was missing in Filebase! another step towards the perfect download manager for wp.

  • LowClassCC says:

    just updated to
    using wordpress 2.8.6

    before update everything worked fine. after update filebase will not sync files updated through ftp. also ran a complete sync and it also stated that nothing changed. i have verified multiple times that the files are indeed where they need to be (they are there)

    i have uploaded over 100 files through ftp and never had a problem syncing the filebase. this problem did not start until after the update.

    please let me know if you have any ideas. thanks

  • Fabi says:

    * New option *Category drop down list* for the file browser
    * Fixed sync bug

    LowClassCC, syncing should work find now, was just a stupid typo 😉

  • LowClassCC says:

    updated.. thanks man.. there wasn’t no need to rush though seeing i have been working on the custom category images.

    absolutely the best plugin i have used! keep up the great work 🙂

    thanks again

  • Martina says:

    hey!! Vielen Dank!!
    Funktioniert nun fast – zumindest beim Neuerstellen einer Kategorie.
    beim Editieren einer Kategorie und hinzufügen des Icons kommt jedoch “UNable to move icon!” – und die ganz normalen Thumbs für die Files können irgendwie nur von mir, jedoch nicht von meiner Helferin (Windows Vista und XP, FIrefox und IE) hochgeladen werden (hat gleiche Rechte wie ich)…nur mit meinem Mac gehts einwandfrei. lg, Martina.

  • itai says:

    Hi fabi. Good updates!

    a question: is there a way, that I’m missing, to let registered users upload their own files to certain categories? and if not, are you planning something like that? 🙂


  • cyber says:

    will it harm the script if i remove the javascript of
    if(typeof pageTracker == ‘object’) {
    pageTracker._trackPageview(file_url); // new google analytics tracker
    } else if(typeof urchinTracker == ‘function’) {
    urchinTracker(file_url); // old google analytics tracker

    i still having user complain about cannot download… is it for members only option is buggy?

  • Fabi says:

    @Martina: stelle sicher, dass die Ordner der Kategorien beschreibar sind (CHMOD 777). Geht das normale Hochladen in diese Kategorien? Eingentlich sollten die Benutzerrechte dabei keine Rolle spielen. Wenn es mit deinem Account funktioniert, sollte es auch mit allen anderen, die Kategorieren erstellen/bearbeiten duerfen gehen.

    @itai: yeah, this feature is already planned for future releases 🙂

    @cyber: theres no problem removing the download javascript.
    maybe another plugin is interfering the downloads. Do you have any cache plugins enabled? Have you tried to disable permalinks (in WP-Filebase settings)? If you still have problems please email me the download links and further info (a test login for your site would be helpful, if you want to create one).

  • Martina says:

    tatsächlich!! hab die ganze Zeit den Ordner gesucht, wo die Bilder hochgeladen werden um das zu prüfen. Nun gehts!! Juhu, danke!

  • Nikulai says:

    For the Category drop down list, is it possible to have the categories list in reverse order? We have our files categorized by year (its a PDF newsletter) and we would like the most recent first. Also, can we set it to default to the most recent year rather then none? I apologize if this is documented somewhere, I have not been able to find much documentation.

  • alfa says:

    Amazing plugin. But I can’t use file manager when I am not logged in. All the categories are made to be seen for everyone (no tick on “For members only”). When i am logged in the page where file manager should be loads fine. For not logged in users page shows default WordPress Not Found page. Am i doing something wrong or is it some kind of bug? I am using WordPress 2.8.6. and WP-Filebase

  • Nikulai says:

    When I try to add a category I get a message stating “You do not have permission to do that.” I have admin rights in wordperfect and the upload directory is set to 755.

  • cyber says:

    permanent links is buggy in wordpress?
    i disable permanent links and all working well.
    WIll the user hotlinking my files while disable the permanent links?
    hope not…

  • wadey says:


    I upload about 75 folders via FTP and perform a sync. Works fine. I have the folders I’ve uploaded in a new folder (so it creates a category).

    When I go to my download page, it shows the category, and it shows 75 files under the category.
    When I click on the category, I get a blank, white page.

    Any ideas?


  • alfa says:

    It would be very nice if download links worked in RSS feed. Now I get only text like [filebase:file:file=254]. I think that would be a very important functionality improvement..

  • wadey says:

    Also, is there a way I can hotlink protect multiple files at once without having to manually edit each file? Thanks!!

  • cyber says:

    wadey… just use folder for all files…
    select the folder and tick apply to all files….

  • Kumar says:

    Hi there Fabi,

    Thanks for the great plugin!

    I have it installed on my mamp and it workds fine. I then installed it on my live wordpress site. It works fine except that there is NO BUTTON IN MY MCE.

    Can you please tell me if you know of a solution? I have tried to deactivate and then reactivate various plugins.

    Many thanks,


  • Al says:

    Heya Fabi,

    Thanks for making such an awesome plugin. I mean it looks pretty awesome from the examples but I can’t get it working with my site yet.

    I keep getting the following error:
    The upload directory /filebase does not exists. It could not be created automatically because the directory / is not writable. Please create /filebase and make it writable for the webserver by executing the following FTP command: CHMOD 777 /filebase

    I did manually created a /filebase/ on the root of my site public_html/filebase, did not work with the chmod 777, then i created the directory under /public_html/wp-content/uploads/filebase thinking that would fix it but still getting the same error. Where exactly does this directory need to be created?

    Thanks in advance for the reply and plugin!

  • Fabi says:

    @Al: don’t use leading slashes, just reset your WP-Filebase options, setting the upload dir to “wp-content/uploads/filebase”.

    @everyone else: i dont have much time for developing WP-Filebase, please have patience. I’ll continue making this plugin better in the new year.

  • Jeff McNeil says:

    Love this plugin! Question though… I’d like a user to be redirected to a registration form instead of just seeing “You are not allowed to access this file!” Is this possible? I took a quick look at modifying the plugin to do this but couldn’t figure it out. Second choice would be to modify this error message to include a link to the registration page.

  • Ray says:

    I wonder if having directory permissions as “777” is required. Most of the other WP files use something like “644” for files and “775” for directories. I have tried changing the filebase uploads directory to 775 and when I synch filebase DB it changes it back to “777”. Also tried to do this for files uploaded and the same thing happens.

    Not sure what the security risk might be for 777 file permissions, but as I understand it, any user executing code on the hosting machine could modify or delete the files/directories…

    Although, I am currently not listing any filebase files for download. My plans are to start using it extensively in a few weeks on my website…

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